protect the backup infrastructure
Ransomware Protection – AirGap
Cyber attackers target backup and data protection infrastructure. The challenge is to secure backup infrastructure and provide a reliable and quick recovery. Backups should provide the necessary isolation from cyber-attacks, immutability from destructive threats, and most crucially, intelligence to determine whether the data has already been compromised.

Why Arrosoft AirGap:
Cybercriminals cannot corrupt data they do not know exists. AirGap uses randomized port opening times to separate your backups, preventing intruders from discovering the data. Multi-factor authentication further protects the AirGap vault against compromising network credentials.
Arrosoft AirGap uses specially built intelligent sensors to monitor and alarm when the source data is corrupted. If suspicious behavior is identified, AirGap isolates the affected server, preventing corrupted data from being backed up. This guarantees that the data in the AirGap vault is always clean.
Arrosoft AirGap uses powerful technology to lock down the protected data, ensuring that it cannot be tampered with, modified, or destroyed. This involves safeguarding the backup database and catalogs so that the data can be recovered even if the backup infrastructure is damaged.