Public Cloud
How Does Public Cloud Works?
Public cloud is usually hosted by a third-party cloud service provider (CSP) over the internet. It may be free or offered through subscription or on-demand pricing schemes, including a pay-per-usage model based on CPU cycles, storage, or bandwidth usage.
When Should I Use It?
You can consider adopting the public cloud when your business does not have a strict data policy. The reason behind this is that public cloud is a multi-tenant cloud model that is shared with multiple business organizations over the public Internet.
Migrating to cloud-based infrastructure can be complex, costly, and carries substantial risk…
However, there are quite several solid reasons why migrating your business to cloud is an absolute yes:
1. Scalability
By migrating to cloud-based infrastructure, scaling your resources to support larger workloads and more users is an instant process, much more easily than on-premises infrastructure. In a traditional IT environment, businesses had to purchase additional equipment and licenses before they could proceed to scale up their services which is time consuming and costs a lot of money.
3. Performance
Migrating to cloud-based infrastructure can enhance your end-user experiences. Applications and websites hosted in the cloud environment can be easily scaled up or down to serve more users or higher throughput, and can run in geographical locations near to end-users, therefore reducing network latency, ensuring uptime and employee productivity.
2. Cost Efficiency
In a traditional IT environment, capital expenditure (CapEx) is a major concern for small businesses due to high upfront cost involved in the purchase of fixed asset, such as physical servers and network equipment. Operating expenditure (OpEx) is the way to go as it adopts a pay-per-use and subscription model which will reduce the IT spendings that can be used for other purposes.
4. Digital Experience
With cloud-based infrastructure, technical matters and operations are handed over to the experts. Businesses do not have to worry about maintenance, which can be a hassle. This will improve the digital experience of the users, whether their are the employees or customers. All users can access cloud services and data from anywhere, anytime they want.